Thursday, November 14, 2013

November! Falling leaves.. Thanksgiving and GASP! parent-teacher conferences!

Ok everyone!!  Here it comes!!!! Parent-teacher conferences are around the corner!!  Students are anxious, parents are ready and the teachers????  Bring it on!!  No matter how much we dread these conferences, ultimately its for the best of the student.  All I can say is hang in there and lets all pray for quick and painless meetings with the parents of our students!  And even though it may not seem like it at the time... they do appreciate their children's teachers!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Pumpkin Globes are done!

Hello Everyone!

Well finally after testing was done, we were able to get back to work!!  My students finished their pumpkin globes and they turned out great!! We all loved them!! Here are a few pics!!

This is one of my students painting his continents!  They had a blast!